Friday, March 4, 2011

Kick Our Reading Levels Up Literacy a Couple of Notches With Mrs. Cobb

The “Kick Our Reading Levels Up a Notch”, Program

The goal of the program is to increase the students reading comprehension through utilizations of the local library and increase parent and student reading collaboration.

The Program was a challenge to the students to increase their reading levels. Parents were incorporated into the learning process through a program I called “Kick Our Reading Levels Up a Couple of Notches”.

The program began in October 2010 with a breakfast kick off to invite parents into a partnership for student learning. This was followed by a Library Card party in November that required students to have their own Newark, NJ public library card which gave them access to a variety of literature (parents came and read stories to the students during the party). On Friday March the 4th 2011 in room 219 from 9:00 am to 10:00 am, there will be a celebration of the students’ success, where awards will be given out to the individual students.

The first phrase - Student and parent buy in through students required to get a library card and participate in their local library as literally citizens

Second Phrase of the program required students’ participation in increasing their reading levels through home and community activities.
Third Phrase of the program is the student recognition certificate ceremony.

The fourth phrase of the program will be incorporated into the celebration activities to begin the second half of the “Kick Our Reading Levels Up a Notch”, program that would have began in February of this school year and end in May of this school year with a final certificate celebration in June of 2011.

Program create by Mrs. Cobb/ Room 219